Advisors utilizing an OCIO (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer) organization, receive a menu of services and products custom-tailored to the unique needs of their own advisory practice and how they want it to grow. The use of an OCIO allows them to: (i) Operate more efficiently, (ii) Grow faster, (iii) Achieve higher profit margins, (iv) Gain advantage over competing advisory firms, (v) Shrink operational and regulatory risk, (vi) Reduce complexity, and (vii) Spend a greater portion of their time on what they enjoy most. This OCIO support is of four main types: (i) investment portfolios, (ii) account trading, (iii) compliance-approved collateral for use with clients and prospects, and (iv) direct advisor consultation and discussion.
Why outsource your
investment-related activities?
Evolving financial advisor roles
- Clients expect advisors to be financial planners, guidance counselors, therapists, coaches . . . mitigating their behavioral biases and charting a best possible life-long financial journey
- The percentage of advisors who consider investments as their primary value proposition, declined from 54% in 2012 to 33% in 2020 . . . and has since fallen below 25%
- 83% of clients believe that advisors who rely upon third-party investment experts are better positioned to understand and reflect their unique needs and circumstances
Institutional quality investment management offers a competitive advantage
- 79% of high-net-worth clients prefer advisors who use an institutional approach
- OCIO in-depth expertise differentiates your firm from the competition . . . whether Julex-branded or white-labeled
- Enables you to offer investments custom-tailored to your client’s specific needs and your own preferred approach
- OCIO provides you with timely, relevant, and aspirational client/prospect communications . . . supporting retention and growth
Saves time
- Advisors spend 33% of their time making and implementing investment management decisions
- Preparing market commentaries, conversation points, and investment proposals consumes time that is better spent on client relationship management and new business development
- OCIO enables you to spend more time meeting your client’s needs, growing your practice, or just reallocating your time to what you enjoy most
Reduces cost
- Building an in-house investment team is expensive (noneconomic unless an advisory practice is larger than $15 billion), requires a high level of continuous managerial oversight, and entails significant operational, regulatory, and business risk
- Data, software tools, investment research sources, and associated compliance add to these costs
Why Julex-OCIO?
Lends you instant credibility, competitive advantage, at a reduced cost
- Collectively, the Julex-OCIO team has over 100 years of institutional investment management experience as Chief Investment Officers, portfolio managers, and investment researchers spanning all asset categories . . . overseeing hundreds of billions in client assets
- Julex Capital manages active asset allocation, concentrated equity, active tax-management, and option overlay strategies with demonstrated performance track records
Delivers investment solutions customized to your client’s needs and your preferences
- The one-size-fits-all solutions offered by the largest investment management organizations, TAMPS, and broker/dealers fail to meet your client’s unique needs . . . and your preferred approach
- Julex-OCIO starts with a clean slate and custom-tailors a solution that best fits your client’s unique needs/requirements and how you’ve decided to structure your advisory practice
- We do so without bias towards inhouse product . . . and instead place your client’s interests first, combing the universe of all investment solutions and selecting those that best serve your client’s needs
Provides comprehensive advisor support . . . saving time, enhancing the client experience, and growing your practice at a more rapid pace
- Julex-OCIO performs the investment-related functions provided by an internal investment team . . . only cheaper, with greater understanding and relevance, superior access, and significantly enhanced negotiating power
- Julex-OCIO provides timely, relevant, and aspirational responses to client/advisor requests
- Advisors can converse and debate with Julex-OCIO investment professionals seven days a week